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Study Abroad Programs Offered at 365bet

We are very excited that you are interested in studying abroad! 100% of study abroad alumni recommend it. Study abroad graduates have a 25% higher starting salary. 100% greater improvement in GPA post-study abroad. 96% of study aboard alumni claimed an increase in self confidence due to study abroad. These are only some of the benefits linked to study abroad... Amazing, right?

Below you will find study abroad programs organized by college and a link to see all the programs offered at 365bet. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange at 931-221-6851 or internationaled@hkpk.net


All Programs
 Learn about all study abroad programs offered at 365bet.Click here!
College of Arts and Letters
 Learn about all study abroad programs offered  to  students in this college.Click here!
College of Behavioral & Health Sciences
 Learn about all study abroad programs offered  to  students in this college.Click here!
College of Business
 Learn about all study abroad programs offered  to  students in this college.Click here!
College of STEM
 Learn about all study abroad programs offered  to  students in this college.Click here!
College of Education
  Learn about all study abroad programs offered  to  students in this college.Click here!
College of Graduate Studies
 Learn about all study abroad programs offered  to   students in this college.Click here!