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奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 unveils cutting-edge Furniture Connection EdTech Studio

By: 梅根·辛普森和佩顿·巴格特 2024年3月21日

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Furniture Connection’s David Berggren 和 Danielle Berggren cut the ribbon to 开放 the new EdTech Studio at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 on March 11. |麦迪逊摄 凯西

365bet平台. - The immersive capabilities of virtual reality — once thought to be just 为 gamers — are making their way into classrooms nationwide. 谢谢 to a generous gift from Furniture Connection, these technological innovations are now available 为 college students at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 (365bet).

University officials ushered in a new era in teacher preparation with the gr和 开放ing 于3月11日在家具连接教育科技工作室举行. 这个最先进的空间, 位于 埃里克森教育学院, represents a leap 为ward in equipping aspiring educators with the latest educational 技术和沉浸式学习体验.

The Furniture Connection EdTech Studio is a comprehensive learning hub that allows 职前教师 获得h和s-on experience using virtual reality (VR) headsets, 3D printers, LEGO® Education 套装,机器人,编码设备 其他尖端工具.

通过身临其境的VR体验,学生 可以 遵守当地K-12 在不离开365bet校园的情况下,honing their classroom management, lesson planning, technology integration 和 student 订婚 技能.

"We are thrilled to introduce this groundbreaking space that will play a pivotal role in preparing our teacher c和idates 为 the classrooms of the future," said Dr. 普伦蒂斯 埃里克森教育学院院长钱德勒说. “家具连接教育技术” Studio will provide our students with invaluable opportunities to explore 和 master the latest educational technologies, ensuring they are well-equipped to engage 和 激励下一代学习者."

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The newly-开放ed Furniture Connection’s EdTech Studio at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 是否配备了在线教学 教师候选人 熟悉 自己与虚拟 教学工具, 比如这个跟踪他们行动的网络摄像头. |麦迪逊·凯西摄


The EdTech Studio's mission is to empower educators with practical 和 accessible resources, support 和 expertise, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation 以及奥斯汀·皮伊大学的包容性.

Dr. Hanrui He, an assistant professor in the 埃里克森教育学院, pitched 工作室 的想法 去年在观察技术之后 使用 在地区教室里. Incorporating these high-tech tools into Austin Peay’s educator preparation program supports ef为ts to equip students 为 modern teaching careers.

“Educator preparation programs in Tennessee are required to provide training in virtual 教师候选人的教学策略,”他说. “教师应该这样做 seamlessly integrate technology into the curriculum rather than treating it as an 附加的或事后想到的. 教育科技的作用是使教学更有效, learning more engaging, 和 professional learning more efficient. 我们实验室的 learning stations prepare teacher c和idates 为 in-person 和 online teaching while also offering h和s-on experience with emerging EdTech tools, ensuring that future educators are well-prepared 为 the dem和s of modern education."

In addition to its state-of-the-art resources, the EdTech Studio serves as a hub 为 社区合作和技术进步. 设施欢迎创意 和 suggestions from educators, industry partners 和 community members to continually enhance its offerings 和 stay ahead of the curve in educational technology.

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Dr. Hanrui He, education assistant professor 和 coordinator of the Furniture Connection EdTech工作室,设置了一个虚拟现实耳机 a recent class demonstration at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学. | Sean McCully摄


A ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by university leadership, faculty, students 和 special guests showcased 工作室's resources 和 provided attendees with an opportunity to experience the immersive learning environment firsth和.

“Our Austin Peay family is thrilled that our friends at Furniture Connection are continuing their commitment to the Eriksson College Education, which they began in a meaningful way in 2021 when they established a new endowed scholarship to benefit our talented junior 和 senior education students as they pursue teacher licensure,” said Dr. 迈克 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学校长李卡里说. “他们的体贴和慷慨 is an inspiration, 和 we know this space will serve new generations of educators 在未来的岁月里.”

Endowments are permanently restricted funds managed by the 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 基金会. 奖学金金额可能会根据不同的专业而有所不同 捐赠的价值 以及基金会的开支计划.

"We are incredibly grateful 为 the generous support of Furniture Connection, whose partnership has made this innovative space a reality," said Kris Phillips, Austin Peay’s vice president 为 校友, 订婚 和 Philanthropy. “他们对 advancing education 和 supporting the next generation of teachers aligns perfectly with our mission at the 埃里克森教育学院 和 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学."

For more in为mation about the Furniture Connection EdTech Studio, 访问 阿卜苏.edu/education/ed-tech-studio. To support 365bet fundraising initiatives, contact the Office of University Advancement at 931-221-7127.

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奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的学生们正在玩乐高玩具® Education set, which 可以 be assembled 和 coded to light up, display different colors 和移动. These sets are 使用d in the classroom to teach STEM 技能 in an engaging, 有趣的方式. | Sean McCully摄

The 埃里克森教育学院 prepares dynamic teachers 和 educational leaders to positively impact communities 和 schools in the 21st century. 这所大学提供 initial 和 advanced licensure 和 non-licensure programs. 学院的课程, including the nationally-known Grow Your Own Teacher Residency, are accredited by the Council 为 the 认证 of Education Preparation (CAEP). 要了解更多信息, 访问 阿卜苏.edu/education